Konrad Scherer

Golang app development using Skaffold


Developing an application to be distributed as a K8s service is a complicated undertaking. Besides learning the application language and solving the application problem, there are all the K8s workflows that need to be automated. This is my attempt to navigate the insane K8s ecosystem of tools as I try to make a decent development and production workflow.

Development workflow

The local development workflow needs to have a fast feedback loop. For a K8s application that requires at minimum a container build and deployment.

Ubuntu setup of go 1.15

Latest go at this time is 1.16.3, but for a sample app the distro supplied 1.15 is fine.

sudo apt install golang-1.15
cd $HOME/bin && ln -s /usr/lib/go-1.15/bin/go

I have $HOME/bin in my $PATH so this makes it easy to manage all the installation of single binary tools. Technically with buildpacks I don’t even need to install the go toolchain, but I want to explore things like debugging of a running go application.


I am not a big fan of Dockerfiles, especially the multi-stage Dockerfiles which is the right way to separate the build and runtime containers. Due to the single binary structure of Go applications they can have a tiny runtime image. So I decided to investigate using buildpacks4 which look like a much better alternative for application development. It even supports new features like reproducible builds and image rebasing.

Install the pack tool.

cd $HOME/bin
curl -LO https://github.com/buildpacks/pack/releases/download/v0.18.1/pack-v0.18.1-linux.tgz
tar xzf pack-v0.18.1-linux.tgz
chmod +x pack
rm -f pack-v0.18.1-linux.tgz

Start with golang buildpacks sample app1.

Since this is a golang app, the default buildpack can be tiny:

pack config default-builder paketobuildpacks/builder:tiny
cd $APP
pack build mod-sample --buildpack gcr.io/paketo-buildpacks/go

With buildpacks running locally, the workflow is and save, run pack to build, run docker and test. It takes a few seconds and multiple steps.

Skaffold and Minikube

This app will run in K8s and will depend on K8s features so it will need to run inside K8s. Enter Minikube2 for a local K8s setup and Skaffold3 to orchestrate the development workflow.

cd $HOME/bin
curl -Lo minikube https://storage.googleapis.com/minikube/releases/latest/minikube-linux-amd64
chmod +x minikube
minikube start

This starts up a full K8s instance locally using the docker driver. The initial download was ~1GB so it takes a while.

cd $HOME/bin
curl -Lo skaffold https://storage.googleapis.com/skaffold/releases/latest/skaffold-linux-amd64
chmod +x skaffold

Now switch to the golang buildpack sample with skaffold5.

<term 1> skaffold dev
<term 2> minikube tunnel
<term 3> kubectl get svc # to get IP
<term 3> curl -s http://<external IP>:8080

minikube has its own docker daemon and the buildpacks used and images built are located inside minikube and not the host docker6.

<term 4> eval $(minikube docker-env)
<term 4> docker images

This makes deploying the image very fast because it isn’t copied.

Development workflow

The skaffold sample is setup to use gcr.io/buildpacks/builder:v1 and it also works with the builder paretobuildpacks/builder:tiny. The Google buildpacks7 supports “file sync” which copies changed files directly to the image. This means changes are available in seconds which is great for development.

Next steps

My application will be a multi-cluster app that exchanges K8s resource data. First step is to query the resource utilization of the K8s cluster using client-go.


Update: Git Server option bigFileThreshold


Many years ago (2014) I setup the my git servers with the git option core.bigFileThreshold=100k. This reduced memory usage dramatically because git stopped compressing already compressed files. I have used this option for many years without apparent problems until one of my colleagues alerted me that cloning an internal mirror of the Linux kernel from my git server was transferring over 9GB of data! Cloning the same repo from kernel.org transferred only approx 1.5GB.

So many repack options

When I looked at the bare repo everything seemed normal. The repo had been repacked properly less than a month ago thanks to grokmirror. There was a single pack file with a bitmap and a single pack file that was 9.1GB! I tried all the standard repack commands:

> git repack -A -d -l -b

and when that didn’t help:

> git repack -A -d -l -b -F -f

But nothing changed. Then my colleague reported that rebuilding with the above options did work on his machine and reduce the git repo size. This meant that there must be a local setting on the server that was causing the problem. I looked at the local ~/.gitconfig and saw the bigFileThreshold option I had set so long ago. So I did a quick experiment with:

> git -c core.bigFileThreshold=512m repack -A -d -F -f

and it did indeed reduce the bare git repo from 9.1GB to 1.9GB! It seems that there are ~200K files in the Linux kernel repo that are over 100k and when they are not compressed the size of the repository grows a lot!

Curious how large the files in the kernel repo can become I did a checkout of the mainline kernel and looked for files of 100Kb.

> find . \( -path */.git/* \) -prune -o \( -type f -size +100k \) | wc -l

Four of these files are even over 10MB!


Once the problem has been clearly identified the solution is usually simple. In this case the gitolite config for all the kernel repos sets the core.bigFileThreshold to its default value of 512m. This way all the other repos can still use the smaller bigFileThreshold setting.

There is also a way to tell git not to delta compress files with certain extensions. I created a global git attributes file /etc/gitattributes with the following content:

*.bz2 binary -delta
*.gz binary -delta
*.xz binary -delta
*.tgz binary -delta
*.zip binary -delta
*.lz binary -delta

Which covers all the compressed files in our repos and it had the same effect so I reverted the bigFileThreshold option to the default of 512M.


Developer productivity


During a recent job interview I was asked “Do you think you are a 10x developer”. The concept of a “10x” developer and developer productivity is something I have thought a lot about. Fundamentally the hard part is figuring out what to measure. I don’t have any good answers but here is how I think about it today.

How to measure productivity?

Since programming is a fairly creative activity it will always be difficult to find a measure that cannot be gamed.

A simple but flawed measure is something like “lines of code” or “features completed” or “bugs fixed”. These measurements are flawed because they are only loosely linked to the things users of the code actually care about. In University I met someone that allegedly completed a 5 hour coding interview in 1.5 hours with code that passed all the unit tests. If true this is impressive and a testament to that particular developers skills. I doubt I would ever be able to match such a feat.

Just as a person has many personality facets, a developer can work on different facets of productivity. I like the word facets because each is unique while still contributing to the whole.

Cost of programming errors

An important skill is the ability to produce “error-free” code. I think computer programming is unique in that a single bug can cost millions of dollars to fix. Even perfectly correct code can require rewriting when the requirements or execution environment changes. Examples of insanely expensive bugs include OpenSSL HeartBleed, Intel Meltdown and more. These bugs cause the users damage and also generate rework for the entire industry.

Programming is a continuous tradeoff between getting the code working for a specific use-case and making it robust enough to handle multiple use-cases. Figuring how much it will cost to develop a feature is hard enough and the risk of expensive bug is rarely factored in. There isn’t an easy way to measure the cost of expensive bugs. The cost to fix bugs is also hard to measure and not accounted as an engineering cost.

Developing the skill of writing code that doesn’t result in expensive bugs often requires:

  • Using tools like static analyzers, linters, enabling all compiler warnings, fuzzers, code quality scanners, etc. Catching errors early is often the best return on investment. However, each tool takes time to learn and integrate. Each run takes time and a high rate of false positives can result in lost productivity.
  • Developing and maintaining a set of runtime tests. Code developed at the same time as tests tends to be better designed because it works best when dependencies are minimized. Code with a good test suite can be refactored more easily. On the other hand, runtime testing of a large software base requires significant infrastructure in order to minimize false positives and maintain a good feedback loop.
  • Careful software reuse. Sometimes using an existing code base is the right thing to do. For example, almost none of the developers that thought they could write an encryption library have succeeded. Each dependency on a third party becomes a liability and has to be managed carefully. Ideally, it is an open source library and you can become part of its community and keep up with the upgrades and security fixes. In the worst case scenario, you end up maintaining a fork of the software or have to apply horrible workarounds.
  • Creating operationally simple software. Even bug free software can be a pain to upgrade or keep operational in a high availability configuration. Software has many different user interfaces and one is how the software is installed, configured, upgraded and maintained. I wasn’t exposed to this facet of software until I had to maintain a cluster of 100+ machines. I have found that whether a service can reload its configuration without a restart is a good indication if the operator interface has been taken seriously. Reloading configuration at runtime requires a good software design and test suite. When there are bugs it is too easy for the developers to just deprecate the feature and force restarts. But being able to reload a configuration without impact on running sessions is an operationally valuable feature.

In the wrong environment an inexperienced developer can introduce programming errors that will cost more than their contributions. Everyone likes to talk about “10x” programmers, but I think we should also talk about “negative productivity” programmers and what can be done to reduce the cost of these errors by catching and preventing them earlier.

Cost of fixing bugs

Debugging is a specific developer skill. It is difficult to teach and hard to explain the instincts of a good debugger to an inexperienced developer. Being able to make an intermittent bug easily reproducible or use gdb to track down some memory corruption are critical skills at the right time. I also saw a talk by a Google engineer that was investigating a 99th percentile latency outlier and found a Linux kernel scheduler bug that saved Google millions of dollars a year. As systems become more complex, the bugs also become harder to fix. I wish there were better ways to capture and train debugging expertise.

Individual productivity versus team productivity

One of the amazing properties of software is leverage where a single tool can make a large group of developers more productive. The goal of every manager should also be to make their team more productive. The goal of almost every software product is to make their customers more productive. Being able to find and address productivity bottlenecks in a team is another developer skill. Developing this skill often requires:

  • Understanding of the workflow of the different members of the team
  • Use of automation tools to transition manual work to the computer
  • Creating tools with a compelling user interface for team
  • Talking with upstream and downstream teams to find ways to make interactions smoother and more automated

This assumes that the team works well together. A toxic team member can reduce the productivity of an entire team. Language, timezone and cultural differences can also hinder productivity.

Choosing the “right” work

Even the most perfect code is useless if it doesn’t solve the right problems. Keeping development aligned with business needs can contribute to team productivity by eliminating rework. Some of the skills required to do this well are:

  • Interacting with customers directly and understanding what their problems are and why they are looking to you to solve them
  • Communicating technical concepts to non-technical people in an effective way
  • Communicating non-technical requirements to technical people in an effective way
  • Potentially developing expertise in the customer domain to understand their domain specific language and problem context


It is impossible to be excellent in all these skills. The most important is to constantly find ways to improve individual and team productivity. I suspect this isn’t the answer that an interviewer is expecting. I need to come up with a shorter answer.
