Konrad Scherer

Download CBC Radio stream

I listen to CBC Radio a lot. I often find the quality of the show Ideas superb. Recently there was a show called “All in the Family” which introduced me to the ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) study. The results of this study are worthy of another blog post, but this post is about something technical. Sorry.

I wanted to download this show as a podcast so I could share it. I went the Ideas website and the show is not available as a podcast but there was a link to listen to the current show. This link brings up a Flash Audio player which plays the show.

At this point I knew that since the audio is being played on my computer I can capture it. First I looked in the web source for an obvious link, but the code is so obfuscated I gave up quickly.

Next I considered recording the audio while it was playing, but I did not want to tie up the computer for an hour.

After a few Google searches I stumbled across some posts that mentioned UrlSnooper to figure out the location of a stream. UrlSnooper is a Windows program, but there was a mention of a Linux program called ngrep. What a great tool! I ran the following:

sudo aptitude install ngrep
sudo ngrep -W byline -qilw 'get' tcp dst port 80

Then I used FireFox to open the audio stream and saw the following in a long stream of output in the console where I ran ngrep:

T xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:35064 -> GET /maven_legacy/thumbnails/ideas_20111213_27203_uploaded.mp3 HTTP/1.1. Host: thumbnails.cbc.ca.

An mp3 on thumbnails.cbc.ca?? I tried:

wget http://thumbnails.cbc.ca//maven_legacy/thumbnails/ideas_20111213_27203_uploaded.mp3

Done! I had the mp3 of the Ideas show. I love Linux.
